Mar 29, 2022 Release Notes

Platform Changes

Ability to use variables in the subject line of email notifications


Effective with this release, we are able to add variables to the subject line of email notifications sent to Borrowers or Loan Officers. This capability has long been available in the message body of email notifications. Examples of variables that may be available include:

  • Borrower First and Last Name

  • Borrower Phone Number

  • Borrower Portal Task Name

  • Site Name

Value to Lenders

The ability to add variables to the subject line supports more personalized and relevant notifications.

Leveraging this Feature

Please contact us at if you would like to explore the use of variables in your email notification subject lines.

Additional FNMA 3.2 Field: funds_type_other_description


For Lenders who still use the FNMA 3.2 file, we have added a new field to our FNMA 3.2 data dictionary called funds_type_other_description. This change will allow clients that currently use the FNMA file to add an additional question to their Borrower question flow(s).

Value to Lenders

Provides relevant Lenders with the ability to capture more information at the point of sale that flows into the FNMA file.

Leveraging this Feature

Please contact us at if you would like to add a related field to your Borrower question flow(s).

MortgageFlex MISMO 3.4 Integration


Effective with this release, Lenders who utilize our integration with the MortgageFlex LOS will benefit from our ability to transmit loan applications via the MISMO 3.4 file to MortgageFlex.

Value to Lenders

  • This integration brings Lenders who use the MortgageFlex LOS up to date with industry mortgage data standards.

  • Upgrading to the use of MISMO 3.4 allows Lenders to be congruent with multiple reporting and disclosure requirements across the entire mortgage ecosystem, including those of housing agencies and regulators.

  • Lenders can now ask Borrowers the additional questions included in MISMO 3.4. Borrowers' answers will be automatically pushed to and available within the MortgageFlex LOS.

Leveraging this Feature

MortgageFlex customers, please contact us at if you would like us to enable the MortgageFlex MISMO 3.4 integration for you.

Last updated